• Gorgeous loft style office space plateau

    See our visit of a gorgeous loft style office space on le plateau Mont Royal.
    Here you can see 3,500 sf but you could get 1.000 up to 22,000 sf
    Stop and imagine yourself in some time from now as a tenant enjoying this breathtaking views of the mountain and looking back to they day you decided to visit this place as the beginning of it all.
    11′ high ceilings
    Epoxy floors
    Huge fenestration and lots of natural light
    Central air
    Glass walls (see nice conference room)
    See French version of this ad

    Loft style office space old Montreal

    Loft style office space downtown Montreal

    For more information/a visit
    Henri Cousineau
    Your space is now too small or too big, we can sublease your space fast


    Downtown Montreal saw a surge in activity during the summer of 2021.

    The return of the student and tourist population has been a
    injection of vitality. A sharp rise in sales
    and the resale of condos further indicates that the
    downtown retains its appeal.

    The data is taken from the report of the urban development institute
    of a web survey conducted at the beginning of the month of
    September 2021 with 1,000 residents of the
    Montreal metropolitan area.

    Interviews were carried out with expert rental brokers
    office space to better distinguish trends in commercial real estate
    and more particularly the office space in downtown Montreal

    The current vacancy rate of 10.9% of buildings
    of class A is equal to that of the third quarter of 2018.
    The rate of class B buildings is a little bit higher.

    Downtown retains its appeal, according to several brokers
    experts in office space for rent in downtown Montreal, offering a
    privileged look at trends in the office buildings sector.
    Their observation is clear: if we could fear for a moment a massive exodus from the city center, it is not. Businesses are keen to stay downtown.

    They point out that:
    84% of renewals were for short terms from 3 to 5 years

    Full time teleworking is loosing speed.
    No less than 77% of survey respondents were partially or totally working from home
    in the first quarter of 2021.

    There is, however, a appreciable decrease in the number of people
    who are totally teleworking. This ratio has slipped
    below 50% (47%) in the third quarter of 2021

    In general, the return to the office is carried out slowly, which is moreover in accordance with
    the wish of Public Health.

    We see that over the period
    between the first and the third
    quarters of 2021, the number of people working in an organization that had announced a hybrid mode
    has progressed.

    As for flexible working hours, it is envisaged
    in many organizations like
    a way to facilitate a certain return
    at work, but the manner remains to be specified in many cases

    Almost half of the people
    surveyed (47%) work in companies
    where the spaces will have been redeveloped in anticipation
    back to the office.

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